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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Storm

God of the Impossible

"God is the God of the Impossible"

Here is the thing, many of us, Christian or non-Christian, do not truly believe that statement. Let me explain.

I grew up in a Christian home with great parents. Every week we would go to church and hear about God, but over the years of hearing about God I forgot who God actually was.

I would read events in the Bible and say "that is cool" or "look what God did then" but when it came to my life now I didn't see God working the same way. I essence I was a Christian Deist.

A Deist is someone who believes in God but does not believe God is actually active in the world today. He spun the top, stepped away and let things just happen. In short God is detached, uninterested and not involved in our world of life. That is what I thought. Here is also what I have found, many people who might state to be Christian believe this about God. However, this is not who God is--in fact it is the opposite. Let me show you.


From the beginning the the Bible all the way until today God is the opposite of detached. He would make covenants with people even though people kept messing up. He is so involved in creation the Jesus came to us (John 1). "The Word became flesh". That is the opposite of detached.


Not only is God not detached but he is interested our life and knows us better than we know ourselves. Jesus notes that he knows the number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10). Also in Psalm 139 the author goes into detail about how much God knows about us.

He knows our words before we speak them (vs 4)

He knows where we are going (vs. 7)

He made us in the womb (vs. 13)

He knows our anxiety (vs 23)

In essence God is cares and knows us deeply!


The last thing is God is the God of the impossible. Throughout the Bible this is clear.

Splitting the Red Sea (Exodus 14)

Raising the Dead (John 11)

Healing the Blind

Casting out Demon

Abraham and Sarah having a child in their old age

David and Goliath

The list goes and on and on. God is the God of the impossible. In fact the impossible is possible for God. Nothing is impossible for Him.

Why do I note this? Because God in the Bible is the same today. The same God who split the Red Sea and raised Larazus from the dead is still at work today. The same God who called the universe into being and healed the blind is still working today.

"Is anything too hard for the Lord" (Genesis 18:14)

That is who God is. We need to get out of our minds that God is limited or not working today. God is the God the impossible. What we might think is impossible is not impossible for God. In fact, it is not even hard.

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