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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Storm

Does Life Have Value?

Does human life have intrinsic value? Meaning, is there value that every human has despite where they are from or what they look like.

This is absolutely important to deal with and understand. Because how we answer this question as individuals and as a culture at large will determine how we treat others and live our lives.

Is our value as a human being something we just have or is it something we work to have? Many people might not say it, but live as though our value as a human comes from what we do. This is not to say what we do doesn’t have value, but that is different than saying what we do is what gives us value.

Why is this important to note the difference? Say for example you love your job and your job gives value to the world or others around you, but we have to understand that though our job might be good, beneficial, or life giving it does not add or take anything away to our value as a human being.

What do I mean? If one saw their value as a person comes solely from their work what happens when they lose their job, do they now lose their value? Are they worthless now? I would say they are not at all, their value as a person has not changed—yes their occupation and situation in life as change but not their value as a person.

The same goes for relationships, money, possessions, or even our accomplishments. All of these are good things but they are not and cannot be where we think our value as human beings comes from. Because what happens if you lose that relationship? Or go bankrupt? Does your value go away? No not at all. Your value remains the same.

In Genesis 1 it states that we (humanity) are created in the image of God. What does that mean? We, no matter who you are or where you are from, have intrinsic worth and value because God created you. Since God is the one who gave us the value because he created us no one or nothing can take it away. Every person no matter how old or how young has value and worth because they are created in the image of God. They don’t need to work at some place, make a certain amount of money or accomplish something to have they value. They have it automatically because they are made in the image of God.

What happens when an individual or culture forgets this reality? Throughout history and in recent history the practice of slavery only came about when this reality is forgotten or tried to be taken away from another. One of the main reasons for the fighting against and ending slavery in both the USA and UK is the reality that all humans no matter their skin color are made in the image of God with value, dignity and worthy. Therefore, when someone tries to destroy or harm this reality it isn’t just wrong it is evil. One might be thinking well of course slavery is wrong. But I would ask why? It is wrong because it is a dehumanization of another person and attacks their value and worth, since all people are created in the image of God.

This is not the only place we see wrong happen when an individual or culture loses the reality that all people are created in the image of God.

Where else do we see it? We see it in the womb. A child no matter how old, young, or their abilities they still have value and dignity and should be loved and protected. However, in our culture people have deemed that what is in the womb is not life or if it is, it doesn’t have the same value as those outside the womb. This is absolutely wrong. All life begins in the womb. Your life, my life, your neighbor’s life. The only difference between me and the child in the womb is age and location. Their ability to do something plays nothing into their value. They have value because they are a human life. I have two kids and a third on the way. Let me tell you, it is a child in the womb. And just like slavery was wrong because it took away the value of another and, many times, their life. Abortion is wrong because it does the same. All life has value and the age, size, or location of that life does not play into their value.

Why do I note this today? Our culture needs to awaken to the reality that all humans have value no matter what they look like, sound like, age, or location (womb or born). When a society loses that understanding then real genocide and discrimination happens because no longer do we see people. Rather we begin to have a scale of what we think is valuable and if you don’t measure up you don’t have value. In other words if you don't reach the measure of what a person or culture deems as valuable then your life is of no value. This is what Hitler did, this is what Stalin did, this is what happen with Slavery and it is what is happening with abortion. If this becomes the case, it is the elites or powerful who will determine what has value and that is a very dangerous place to go. God and not anyone or anything else determines the value of a human life and God says all life (no matter skin color, age, location or abilities) is created in the image of God with intrinsic value and worth. Therefore, we need to have an awakening as individuals and a culture that the value of a human life isn't determined by age, location or even the elites but rather by God.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. Ps 139:13
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